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  • +91-9977610421,0751-4031226
  • 27-28, C.P Colony, 7 No. Chauraha, Morar, Gwalior

Mega Liposuction

Patients who have a considerable amount of weight to lose could obtain a mega liposuction and must be considered carefully, and the patient must show a willingness to maintain a healthy lifestyle after the procedure.

What Is Mega Liposuction?

Mega Liposuction can be used as an aid in weight reduction, where over ten litres of fat can be removed in a few sessions. It is advised that patients combine it with a healthy diet and exercise program to get the best results.

Who Is Mega Liposuction Best For?

Before we start explaining what this procedure could do for you, we do need to mention that mega liposuction is only meant to kick-start your weight loss. By choosing mega liposuction, you will see a significant amount of difference in body shape, but you will still need to maintain a balanced diet to keep these results.

With mega liposuction, Dr remove up to ten litres of fat. The procedure can be used for patients who weigh approximately one hundred and twenty kilograms.

Patients who choose a fat removal of ten litres will need to obtain more than one session. Even though you will see some serious changes between procedures, it is still recommended to combine the procedure with a healthy diet and exercise program.

Can an Overweight Person Get Liposuction?

Overweight patients can obtain a mega liposuction procedure, but there is a weight limit associated with the procedure. Mega liposuction can only be executed on overweight patients up to one hundred and twenty kilograms since a higher weight could pose a significant risk during the procedure.

As mentioned earlier, liposuction can only be executed on patients who have shown a willingness to maintain a healthy lifestyle after the procedure. If a healthy diet and active lifestyle is not maintained, fat can easily return to the patient’s body. Since liposuction can be an investment, patients must ask themselves if they can maintain their new lifestyle after the procedure.

How Many Procedures Will I Need for the Removal of Ten Litres of Fat?

Patients who choose a total fat removal of ten litres will have to come to the clinic two times to remove up to five to six litres of fat per procedure, so the mega liposuction may require more than one session.

In general, you can expect some downtime in between procedures. It is hard to estimate how long this downtime will be because every patient has his or her own healing process. The second procedure could be executed one week after your first, although it could also be a few months after your first procedure.

What Are the Main Benefits of Mega Liposuction?

An increasingly large number of patients now choose mega liposuction procedures. Most patients who choose a mega liposuction may find it easier to exercise afterwards, which will contribute to better weight management in the future.

How Is Mega Liposuction Executed?

During a mega liposuction, fat cells are physically removed from the body. The surgeon will choose to target certain problem areas, this is usually discussed with the patient before the patient comes in for the procedure.

The mega liposuction procedure is executed with a tumescent fluid under General anaesthesia. Firstly, using tumescent fluid in mega liposuction allows local sedation. However, the tumescent fluid does not only make the area numb, it also makes the fat cells softer and more even. By using the tumescent fluid, it is a lot easier for the surgeon to remove the fat during the procedure.

Once the area is sedated, the surgeon will insert a suction canula through the created incision and start removing the fat through the canula. The suction process is completely painless, and patients will not feel a thing during this procedure.

How Long Can I Keep These Results?

The results of a mega liposuction could be permanent. However, there are some conditions patients must meet after their procedure. Patients who gain weight after the procedure will notice that the fat cells are coming back, so it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. By maintaining a healthy diet and enjoying regular exercise, the fat removed by liposuction will not return.

What Happens After Mega Liposuction?

After mega liposuction, you will be required to wear a tight garment for a determined time. Even though patients recover quite quickly, it is recommended to take sufficient rest after the procedure and not to force your body too quickly. The nurses at the clinic will be able to tell you more about the recovery process when you come in for a consultation.

What Are the Main Things to Remember About Mega Liposuction?

Even though mega liposuction removes a large amount of fat from the body, the treatment should not be considered as a weight loss treatment. When a patient obtains a mega liposuction, they usually have quite a bit of weight to lose, so their weight loss journey only begins when they leave the surgery. However, the mega liposuction does provide them with a head start and can make exercise a little easier. Some patients may experience fat gets in the way when trying to do some exercises, but mega liposuction can remove some of those fats to make exercise somewhat easier.

To get a more long-term result from this liposuction, the patient must be willing to change their lifestyle for the better and maintain it. Therefore, it is essential to see if you can maintain such a healthy lifestyle before you have the procedure, because the removal of fat does not mean the fat can’t return. When the surgeon gives you the all-clear, it is essential to start exercising and eating healthy to keep fat from returning. It could also be a good idea to hire the services of a nutritionist or personal trainer at this time, since they can help you maintain a healthy weight after your surgery and wt loss.
